Get the latest CFS file for Sharon Fence Distributors. It has been updated with more products including Nobility Ornamental Aluminum & Vinyl and a variety of wood products.
To get your CFS system updated with the latest file, please contact Software Design Associates by clicking here or calling them at (800) 544-2536.
Below is a more detailed list of products included in the Sharon Fence Distributors version of CFS.
Nobility Aluminum
- Commercial ¾”
- Standard Residential 5/8” picket
- Premium Residential ¾” picket
- Styles available for all grades
- Miller & Miller Pool
- Nelson & Nelson Pool
- Spear Top
- Open Picket
- Staggered Spear
Nobility Vinyl
- Privacy
- Including New Woodgrain Colors
- Cypress
- Gray
- Including New Woodgrain Colors
- Picket
- Semi-Private
- Pool
- Equestrian / Post & Rail
- Sharon Select Red Cedar
- Treated Rough Cut Red Pine 11/16”
- Treated S4S Appearance Grade ¾”
- West Virginia Split Rail – Treated
- Red Cedar Split Rail / Post and Rail
- Lifetime Steel Posts
- Adjust-a-Gates
- Horse/Kentucky Fence
Chain Link
- Galvanized
- Color
- Swing
- Cantilever
- Aluminum Slide Gates
- Mill Finish
- Black Polyester
- BOSS Gates
- Galvanized
- Black Polyester